2024 Postgraduate Conference: DEVIATIONS

29 January - 01 March 2024

This year’s Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference took place on Friday 31 May 2024 at King’s College London. Over six panels, we explored the theme of ‘Deviations’ in relation to questions of power, care, excess, transgression, identity, space, and form. We were delighted to welcome Dr Jasmine D. Cooper as our keynote speaker, who gave an incredibly moving and memorable lecture titled ‘Deviation in Motion: Rage, Dance, and the cri du corps’.

We would like to express our warmest thanks to Jasmine, to our brilliant postgraduate speakers, and to all delegates for their contributions to Q&As and breaktime discussions. We are very grateful, too, to Ian Nixon, Duarte Bénard da Costa, Ry Montgomery, Katharine Kent, Maddison Sumner, and Tamzin Elliott for their expert chairing of the day’s panels. For their help in bringing the day together, we would like to thank the Society for French Studies, the Department for Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and the King’s Venues teams, with special thanks to Prof. Siobhán McIlvanney for all her support.

Organisers: Elly Walters and Airelle Amédro

SFS PG Group

Past Conferences