2021 Postgraduate Conference: 'Vitality'
Vitality and resilience: Creative Thinking as Survival and Research as a Way of Life
Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference 2021
Friday 28 May – Online Event
Keynote speaker: Dr Emma Claussen (Cambridge)
The global pandemic has had a significant impact on postgraduate students alongside countless others. The shock of the crisis made it necessary for us to learn how to take care of ourselves and of others. It has created difficulties in maintaining progress and motivation and it required, for some of us, significant restructuring of our projects. For this reason, this year’s conference is placed under the sign of vitality and resilience to emphasise that the arts and humanities continue to be essential to the researchers, the scholarly community, and society. The event is an invitation to come together to revive our enthusiasm and interest in our work and that of others, and it presents research as a way of life that find its merits in sparking necessary debates, exchanging knowledge and ideas, but also in campaigning for the value of and place for the arts and humanities. Despite the optimistic outlook that we highlight in this conference, we consider it nonetheless necessary to discuss the need to resist the pressure for continuous well-being and productivity in times like these.
Registration is now open. Attendance is free of charge. Please email sfsvitality2021@gmail.com, making sure to include ‘Register’ in the subject line of your message by Wednesday, 26th May 2021. The event will take place on MS Teams and you will receive an invitation in due course.
The conference will be held on Friday, 28th May 2021, starting at 9am (BST) and run until about 5pm. The full programme is available below.